Levels of Investment

Hall of Fame
Invested more than $25,000 to RPAC in their lifetime.

Platinum R
Invested $10,000 first year. $5,000 individual investor renewal.

Golden R
Invested $5,000 first year and sustain $2,000 annually.

Crystal R
Invested $2,500 first year and sustain $1,500 annually.

Sterling R
Invested $1,000 annually.

Gold Circle
Invested $500 annually.

Silver Circle
Invested $250 annually.

Century Circle
Invested $100 annually.

Michigan REALTORS®

Increase housing supply by incentivizing local zoning reforms.
There is a critical lack of housing supply across Michigan. We need to incentivize local zoning changes through appropriations and complimentary legislation to encourage changes to local zoning that prevent housing development. Reforms that should be considered are reductions in lots and home sizes, smaller set back requirements, eliminate height restrictions, and by-right development, among others.

Protecting the independent contractor status of Realtors®. – OPPOSE HB 4390

Becoming a Realtor® is an attractive occupation for many that want to build their own business and reputation, set their own hours, and not be tied to an office. The independent contractor relationship between a broker and an agent is specifically recognized by the IRS and state statute and should be recognized as an exception to the proposed “ABC Test.”

Increase splits allowed under the Michigan Land Division Act.

We can promote density by providing the opportunity to create more lots by increasing the current 4 divisions per first 10 acres, to 20. In addition, we can allow municipalities to approve further divisions to lower the cost of development.

Require 1 hour of fair housing continuing education per year for real estate licensees.

Real estate licensees should continue to lead on fair housing. Michigan needs to establish a 1-hour annual fair housing education requirement for all licensees, within the current 18 hours of continuing education.

End predatory right-to-sell agreements.

We need to protect the public by ending the current practice of providing cash up front to a homeowner in exchange for the ability to list their home, often resulting in an unexpected 40-year lien on the property.

Promote the use of post-closing occupancy agreements.

Competitive real estate markets often create situations where a seller is not able to immediately move into their new home. We should protect buyers and sellers by clearly defining the contractual relationship where a seller occupies the property post-closing. This unique contractual arrangement needs to be defined and encouraged under state law.

Creation of a state-wide septic code.

Protecting Michigan’s water and private property rights can be accomplished together. We need to end the
patchwork quilt of regulation that has allowed septic pollution in Michigan’s water by creating uniformity in the definition of inspections, timing of inspections, classification of failure, and allowance for alternative systems. Phasing out punitive time of sale of transfer mandates and allowing for better land use and more housing availability.

Regulation of short-term rentals.

Short-term rentals are part of Michigan’s housing ecosystem and a generations-long tradition. Any regulation of short-term rentals at the state level should start with amending the Zoning Enabling Act to protect a
homeowner’s ability to rent. Regulation of nuisances, registration, and inspections should be preserved and done through local housing codes.

RPAC Investment Journey
RPAC 1 and 2
RPAC Consumer FHSA Infographic

RPAC Frequently Asked Questions

RPAC is the only political action committee that protects and promotes the interests of REALTORS® and private property rights. RPAC is funded by the voluntary investments of REALTOR® members. The money is used to endorse candidates for local, state, and federal offices that share the interests of REALTORS®, and promote the ideals of a thriving real estate market and protecting private property rights.

100% of your investment is used to elect pro-REALTOR® candidates or support issues that benefit the real estate industry and private property rights: Most investment remains in the state to be used in state and local elections (local associations can utilize 10% of their average investment the 2 previous years). For NAR Major Investors, 30% of your investment will be forwarded to National RPAC to fund key U.S. House and Senate races. RPAC is neither a
Republican nor a Democratic organization. Your investment to RPAC is support for a pro-REALTOR® candidate, regardless of political party.

According to federal election law, RPAC can solicit only individual members and their families. The term "members" means all individuals who currently satisfy the requirements for membership in any one of the local, state, and/or the National Association and regularly pay dues. Executive, administrative and management personnel of the state and local associations are also considered to be members of the association. Republican nor a Democratic organization. Your investment to RPAC is support for a pro-REALTOR® candidate, regardless of political party.

Recommendations from local associations based on candidate interviews 2) Voting record on issues important to REALTORS® 3) Campaign reports compiled by Michigan Realtor® and local political and legislative staff.

RPAC is non-partisan in its selection of candidates. It takes into consideration the voting record and views on the issues that affect REALTORS®, in addition to the recommendations of local boards or the state association. RPAC helps to elect candidates who share our philosophy and will listen to the REALTOR® viewpoint.

REALTORS® political strength lies in the strength of RPAC. The dollars contributed are pooled with thousands of REALTORS® from around the state to speak with a unified voice in endorsing candidates who understand the issues that affect our business.

RPAC 1 is an Independent Political Action Committee. The proceeds of this fund are used to support candidates for local or state office only. RPAC 2 is called a Ballot Question Committee. The proceeds of this fund are used to support or oppose ballot questions initiatives in which Michigan Realtor® or its local boards have an interest.

While RPAC has been successful in advancing REALTOR interests, there are constantly new issues and ideas being introduced and in the era of term limits, new candidates for elected office. We must remain strong and build on the momentum we have already created.

Welcome to RPAC,
the voice of REALTORS® on Capitol Hill.

DABOR Office Renovations

Temporarily Offsite


There is no store operating, dues payments acceptance in-person or Sentrilock distributions at this time

Call (313) 278-2220 to reach a staff for assistance

M – F 9 am to 4.30p