Find our extensive list of helpful forms for applications, addition and deletion requests, and more below. Please complete the forms as needed, and for any downloaded documents, please email completed forms to
- Due to the busy renewal season, expect up to a 3 business day turnaround for invoices
Addition/Deletion Form
Primary Membership Application
Gateway Access Application
New Office Start Up
To get your new office set up, please complete the required forms and submit them along with the necessary fees. The Broker of Record will need to pay an office application fee of $250 and an annual office fee of $150. Once your forms are received, your provisional membership will be activated pending final approval by the Board of Directors. Find the New Office Start Up form below:
Broker Application
Realcomp Participant Application
To participate in Realcomp, the Designated REALTOR® must complete the Office Application for Participation form. This form includes essential details such as office and license numbers, office name and address, contact information, and the Designated REALTOR®’s primary board or association. Additionally, the Designated REALTOR® must acknowledge and agree to abide by Realcomp’s Bylaws, Policies, Rules & Regulations.
Upon submission of the completed form, including a roster of all licensed individuals affiliated with the office, the application will be processed, and the Designated REALTOR® will gain access to Realcomp’s services.