
Find our extensive list of helpful forms for applications, addition and deletion requests, and more below. Please complete the forms as needed, and for any downloaded documents, please email completed forms to

Mandatory Annual Dues

*Prorated amounts, if joining the month of April:
Michigan REALTORS®:  $212.50
NAR:  $162.00
DABOR (local):  $127.50
Application fee: $150 (for brand new members)
$652.00 TOTAL

2025 National Membership Dues

The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® dues are $156 per member for 2025. This amount is billed to all active REALTOR® and REALTOR® Associate members through their primary local association and is due and owing to NAR by Jan. 1. Brokers are also assessed NAR dues times the number of non-member salespersons, if any, in their office. National dues are pro-rated monthly for new members based on the join date. This proration only applies in the calendar year the member joins NAR. Thereafter, full year dues are due and owing by January 1. The waiver of NAR dues for REALTORS® and their spouses called up from reserves to active duty deployment approved for the 2004 dues after the 9/11/01 tragedies, has been extended to cover dues for 2025. Please note that this does not apply to career military.

2025 NAR Special Assessment

The Special Assessment for the Consumer Advertising Campaign (formerly known as Public Awareness Campaign) is $45 for 2025. The assessment is billed to all active REALTOR® and REALTOR® Associate members through their primary local association and is due and owing to NAR by Jan. 1. This assessment is not pro-rated. New members will owe the full amount when joining NAR. The Consumer Advertising Campaign special assessment is not charged to Institute Affiliate members, nor is it charged for non-members salespersons. It is also not charged for National REALTOR® Emeritus.

Once all forms are received and reviewed to add or transfer a member, you can typically expect a two-business day turn around for online invoice payment instructions. Once the dues are paid online, Realcomp access will be granted once they receive our DABOR approval.
If you choose to decline the RPAC $35 voluntary contribution on your 2025 member renewal record, just unclick that line item and it will be removed before the payment screen.
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Agent's Email Address
Home Address
Office Address
Select Reason for Update
Broker/Office Manager Email Address
Clear Signature

All agents transferring to your office from an office within the Dearborn Board, reinstating membership or coming out of escrow are required to pay the transfer/reinstatement fee. All payments must be processed prior to processing all new, transfers and reinstatements.

All new or transferring agents are required to complete the DABOR REALTOR® Application. Applications are available at the Board office or

Please use this form for every agent that is coming to or leaving your office. We must have permission from your office to accept or terminate an agent.

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Choose Membership Classification
Email Address
The email address that you provide will be used for your DABOR membership communication and also your Realcomp access.
Home Address
Office Address

I agree to abide by the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS®, which includes the duty to arbitrate, and the Constitution, By-laws and Rules and Regulations of the Dearborn Area Board of REALTORS (DABOR), Michigan REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS®.

Membership is final only upon approval by the Board of Directors and may be revoked should completion of requirements, such as orientation, not be completed within the timeframe established in the Association bylaws. My application fee and dues will be returned to me in the event of non-election. I understand that I will be required to complete periodic Code of Ethics training as specified in the Association’s bylaws as a continued condition of membership.

I understand membership brings certain privileges and obligations that require compliance. I understand that it is my responsibility to keep DABOR informed of my contact information. It is my responsibility to read all communications and industry publications and to stay informed of the requirements for REALTOR membership.

NOTE: Applicant acknowledges that if accepted as a member and he/she subsequently resigns from the Association or otherwise causes membership to terminate with an ethics complaint pending, the Board of Directors may condition renewal of membership upon applicant’s certification that he/she will submit to the pending ethics proceeding and will abide by the decision of the hearing panel. If applicant resigns or otherwise causes membership to terminate, the duty to submit to arbitration continues in effect even after membership lapses or is terminated, provided the dispute arose while applicant was a REALTOR®.

1. Are you currently or have you previously held membership in any other Association of REALTORS®?
2. Have you been found in violation of the Code of Ethics or other membership duties in any Association of REALTORS® in the past three (3) years or are there any such complaints pending?
3. Have you been denied membership at any other REALTOR® association?
4. Has your real estate license, in this or any other state, been suspended or revoked?

If yes to any of the above questions, specify the place(s) and date(s) of such action and detail the circumstances as they relate to the action(s).

I hereby certify that the foregoing information furnished by me is true and correct, and I agree that failure to provide complete and accurate information as requested, or any misstatement of fact, shall be grounds for revocation of my membership if granted. I further agree that, if accepted for membership in the Association, I shall pay the fees and dues as from time to time established. NOTE: Payments to the DEARBORN AREA BOARD OF REALTORS are not deductible as charitable contributions. Such payments may, however, be deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. Application fee and dues are non-refundable.

By signing below I consent that the REALTOR® Associations (local, state, national) and their subsidiaries, if any, may contact me at the specified address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email address or by any other means of communication available. This consent applies to changes in contact information that may be provided by me to the Association(s) in the future. This consent recognizes that certain state and federal laws may place limits on communications that I am waiving to receive all communications as part of my membership. I understand that it is my responsibility to keep the DABOR informed of my contact information. I understand it is my responsibility to read all communications and industry publications and to stay informed of the requirements for REALTOR membership.

Clear Signature
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MLS prvileges only. $95.00 per year (no proration). Paid in full at time of enrollment.

To be eligible for the Gateway membership with DABOR, you must be a primary member with another association and provide us with a letter of good standing from that association by email. In addition, your office must be a primary or a secondary member of DABOR to join us.

Email Address
The email address that you provide will be used for your DABOR membership communication and also your Realcomp access.
Home Address
Office Address

I agree to abide by the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS®, which includes the duty to arbitrate, and the Constitution, By-laws and Rules and Regulations of the Dearborn Area Board of REALTORS (DABOR), Michigan REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS®.

Membership is final only upon approval by the Board of Directors and may be revoked should completion of requirements, such as orientation, not be completed within the timeframe established in the Association bylaws. My application fee and dues will be returned to me in the event of non-election. I understand that I will be required to complete periodic Code of Ethics training as specified in the Association’s bylaws as a continued condition of membership.

I understand membership brings certain privileges and obligations that require compliance. I understand that it is my responsibility to keep DABOR informed of my contact information. It is my responsibility to read all communications and industry publications and to stay informed of the requirements for REALTOR membership.

NOTE: Applicant acknowledges that if accepted as a member and he/she subsequently resigns from the Association or otherwise causes membership to terminate with an ethics complaint pending, the Board of Directors may condition renewal of membership upon applicant’s certification that he/she will submit to the pending ethics proceeding and will abide by the decision of the hearing panel. If applicant resigns or otherwise causes membership to terminate, the duty to submit to arbitration continues in effect even after membership lapses or is terminated, provided the dispute arose while applicant was a REALTOR®.

1. Are you currently or have you previously held membership in any other Association of REALTORS®?
2. Have you been found in violation of the Code of Ethics or other membership duties in any Association of REALTORS® in the past three (3) years or are there any such complaints pending?
3. Have you been denied membership at any other REALTOR® association?
4. Has your real estate license, in this or any other state, been suspended or revoked?

If yes to any of the above questions, specify the place(s) and date(s) of such action and detail the circumstances as they relate to the action(s).

I hereby certify that the foregoing information furnished by me is true and correct, and I agree that failure to provide complete and accurate information as requested, or any misstatement of fact, shall be grounds for revocation of my membership if granted. I further agree that, if accepted for membership in the Association, I shall pay the fees and dues as from time to time established. NOTE: Payments to the DEARBORN AREA BOARD OF REALTORS are not deductible as charitable contributions. Such payments may, however, be deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. Application fee and dues are non-refundable.

By signing below I consent that the REALTOR® Associations (local, state, national) and their subsidiaries, if any, may contact me at the specified address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email address or by any other means of communication available. This consent applies to changes in contact information that may be provided by me to the Association(s) in the future. This consent recognizes that certain state and federal laws may place limits on communications that I am waiving to receive all communications as part of my membership. I understand that it is my responsibility to keep the DABOR informed of my contact information. I understand it is my responsibility to read all communications and industry publications and to stay informed of the requirements for REALTOR membership.

Clear Signature

To get your new office set up, please complete the required forms and submit them along with the necessary fees. The Broker of Record will need to pay an office application fee of $250 and an annual office fee of $150. Once your forms are received, your provisional membership will be activated pending final approval by the Board of Directors. Find the New Office Start Up form below:

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Email Address
The email address that you provide will be used for your DABOR membership communication and also your Realcomp access.
Company Information
Have you ever been refused membership in any other Association of REALTORS®?
Is the office address, as stated, your principal place of business?
Do you hold, or have you ever held, a real estate license in any other state?
Have you or your office been found in violation of state real estate licensing regulations within the last three years?
Have you or your office been found in violation of state real estate licensing regulations within the last three years?
Have you or your office been convicted, adjudged, or otherwise recorded as guilty by a final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction of a felony or other crime?

I hereby certify that the foregoing information furnished by me is true and correct, and I agree that failure to provide complete and accurate information as requested, or any misstatement of fact, shall be grounds for revocation of my membership if granted. I further agree that, if accepted for membership in the Association, I shall pay the fees and dues as from time to time established. NOTE: Payments to the Dearborn Area Board of REALTORS® are not deductible as charitable contributions. Such payments may, however, be deducted as an ordinary and necessary business expense. NO REFUNDS.

By signing below, I consent that the REALTOR® Associations (local, state, and national) and their subsidiaries, if any (e.g. MLS, Foundations) may contact me at the specified address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email address or other means of communication available. This consent applies to changes in contact information that may be provided by me to the Association(s) in the future. This consent recognizes that certain state and federal laws may place limits on communications that I am waiving to receive all communications as part of my membership.

Clear Signature

To participate in Realcomp, the Designated REALTOR® must complete the Office Application for Participation form. This form includes essential details such as office and license numbers, office name and address, contact information, and the Designated REALTOR®’s primary board or association. Additionally, the Designated REALTOR® must acknowledge and agree to abide by Realcomp’s Bylaws, Policies, Rules & Regulations.

Upon submission of the completed form, including a roster of all licensed individuals affiliated with the office, the application will be processed, and the Designated REALTOR® will gain access to Realcomp’s services.

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Complainant(s) Charge

I (we) declare that to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief, my (our) allegations in this complaint are true.

Are the circumstances giving rise to this ethics complaint involved in civil or criminal litigation or in any proceeding before the state real estate licensing authority or any other state or federal regulatory or administrative agency?

You may file an ethics complaint in any jurisdiction where a Realtor® is a member or MLS participant. Note that the Realtors® Code of Ethics, Standard of Practice 14-1 provides, in relevant part, “Realtors® shall not be subject to disciplinary proceeding in more than one Board of Realtors®... with respect to alleged violations of the Code of Ethics relating to the same transaction or event.”

Have you filed, or do you intend to file, a similar or related complaint with another Association(s) of Realtors®?
I understand
Clear Signature
Complainant Email

DABOR Office Renovations

Temporarily Offsite


There is no store operating, dues payments acceptance in-person or Sentrilock distributions at this time

Call (313) 278-2220 to reach a staff for assistance

M – F 9 am to 4.30p